PowerFit Harmony: Upper Body Blast

Stephanie Huckabee
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Upper Body Strength

PowerFit Harmony “Upper Body Blast” is a 20 min. workout that alternates segments of upper body resistance & cardio exercises. The upper body exercises focus on major muscle groups (arms, back & chest), and the cardio exercises are athletic cardio (brief segments to elevate heart rate). This is a solid workout, it moves quickly and is quite nice for a short duration of time workout (many of the 10-20 min. workouts leave something to be desired, don’t feel like they provide a good, balanced workout).

Overhead arms w/ inhalation, reverse motion

Step out to side, single arm overhead reach, repeat on other side> shoulders roll to rear, slow pace> body wave (open arms to side & reverse to front)> heel lifts> add body wave> alternate step tap to front> add slow arm sweep, reverse motion> alternate side lunge> add arm reach to front & pull back w/ bent arms (to waist)> repeat entire sequence (work through other side).

Squat w/ overhead arms> Spinal rolls> Overhead arms w/ inhalation, reverse motion

Work Portion: uses band
Upright row: double arm, band under front foot> slow pace> alternate fast & slower pace reps.

Lat row: single arm, both ends of band held in one hand> start at bottom & lift> static hold at top of exercise, then lower to perform more reps focusing on negative/eccentric contraction.

Chest press w/ alternating toe taps to front (band around upper back/ shoulder level held in both hands)> add alternating knee lifts> add alternating front kicks.

Lat row on other side.

Cardio w/ (folded) band held in both hands
Alternating step touch> add arm press down & reverse motion> Back cross (step & foot taps in back of other)> add chest press arms> heel lifts w/ band held at chest level> add overhead press> repeat sequence again.

Hammer curls: double arm, band under both feet> pulses (3)> repeat sequence.

Tricep kickback: double arm, band held under front foot> pulses (3)> repeat sequence.

Bent over (lat) row: double arm, band held under front foot> alternating sides> repeat sequence.

Alternating step touch> add single shoulder rolls> add single arm shoulder circles> repeat arm sequence> power march (arms pump).

Incline Biceps curl: double arm, band under back foot> static hold at top of exercise, then lower to perform more reps focusing on negative/eccentric contraction.

Chest sweep: band around upper back/ shoulder level held in both hands w/ almost straight arms> heel lifts> add arm sweep to front & reverse motion> add single arm punch to front> repeat sequence.

French Press: single arm (working arm starts bent, other is straight/next to side of body)> perform reps on other side> repeat sequence, multiple times.

Overhead Press: double arm (start w/ band around upper back, held in both hands, bent arms)> alternate sides> repeat sequence.

Marches> alternate side lunges> add overhead arm sweep> repeat sequence.

Shoulders: Medial fly w/ bent arms (band under front foot)> Reverse Bicep Curls (start at top & lower)> alternate between two exercises.

Tricep kickback: double arm (band held under front foot)> Reverse Row (start at top & lower)> alternate between two exercises.

Alternating shoulder drops (from lowered position of squat)> spinal rolls> static hold w/ clasped hands & overhead arms> triceps stretch (lower both hands to back from overhead position)> chest stretch (both hands on lower back, shoulders rolled back)> from previous position, clasp hands & straighten arms> overhead arms w/ inhalation, reverse motion.

