Bender Ball

Leslee Bender
Year Released: 2006

Categories: Balance/Medicine/Mini/Stability Ball, Pilates/Core Strength

DawnP has well reviewed the Bender Method informercial set & “Core Training” video, so I will just add some of my thoughts on it and more detail to the exercise breakdowns. The “Core Training” workout is included w/ the Bender Ball set that is sold in stores (packaged w/ the ball, 2 plugs, 2 straws, small pamphlet w/ program info. & two other videos: Strong Healthy Back and Selective Core Training) for about $18 at a local store (cheaper than buying from Savier company & they do share collected information w/ third parties for direct marketing purposes, so buying at store is another option for those not wanting to deal w/ that issue). This DVD comes in a slim DVD case, previously (per DawnP’s review) it was packaged in a jewel CD case. The menu allows one to play workout with or without the introduction, and can play all segments or just select one at a time. Some form pointers are displayed on screen, and Leslee provides detailed instruction w/ modifications.

I strung all of the segments together for a workout, each segment performed on their own, seem’s like not much work at all (likely good for beginners to approach that way), but any of the segments could be used after a primary workout, too.

Level 1 (3:25 min)

Roll backs: start seated on floor w/ bent knees, ball placed next to small of back, hands placed under thighs> roll/lean back onto ball (C-curve spine) & reverse motion, very slow pace to lowered & lifted position> pulses in lowered position> add alternating torso twist (lower shoulder to side w/ head/gaze following shoulders) to lowered position of roll back> pulses in lowered position, then slow roll up to seated position> stretch: overhead arms, then twist to side w/ overhead arms & repeat on other side.

Level 2 (5:50 min.)

Roll backs: start in same position as previous exercise, lift & lower w/ slow pace> roll/lean back onto ball & extend arms in lowered position> pulses in lowered position> overhead stretch> roll/lean back & reverse motion w/ arms held in extended position> pulses in lowered position, then overhead stretch> roll/lean back w/ alternating single arm sweep, opening to side then back, other arm is extended in front w/ head/gaze to side, then reverse motion, modification: hand of static arm placed under thigh> pulses in lowered position w/ arm held to back or side, repeat on other side> overhead stretch.

Toe Taps: Start lying supine (face-up) on floor w/ ball placed under lower back & bottom, arms to side of body> lift one bent knee up, then the other & balance on ball> alternate lowering single leg (toes) to floor & pull back w/ abs> perform at faster pace> Stretch: place arms overhead (on floor), then roll up to seated position> overhead arms, then twist to side w/ overhead arms, lower one arm to floor (back of body) and lean back for an oblique stretch and repeat on other side.

Level 3 (6:42 min.)

Cross body crunch: start in seated position w/ bent knees, ball placed next to lower back, one arm in bent and hand placed on head, other hand placed under thigh or held to side> roll/lean back onto ball, then lift bent knee & upper body (twist) so elbow meets knee, then reverse motion> repeat on other side> stretch: over head arms in seated position.

Cross-body crunch w/ alternating sides> overhead arm stretch.

Cross-body crunch w/ pulses: start in same position as previous but w/ one bent knee lifted & held in air> perform pulses (smaller range of motion than previous)> spine curl: from lowered position w/ (bent arms) hands on head, slower lift into seated position, then reverse motion> pulses in lowered position> 6 counts to roll up into seated position> repeat on other side. Modification: place hands under thighs.

Hip twist: Start lying supine (face-up) on floor w/ bent knees lifted in air, ball is held between knees w/ hands behind head, shoulders held off floor> twist knees/hips to one side, and reverse motion> repeat on other side> stretch: overhead arms> roll up w/ knees to seated position, then overhead arms, twist to side w/ overhead arms & repeat on other side.

Instructor Comments:
Leslee thoroughly explains the form for exercises & attempts to be provide motivating comments. But I don't care for her constantly saying how hard the exercises are (when not many reps are completed) and that these workouts will reduce love handles/belly fat when focus on nutrition is what will remedy that (it's a misleading statement, and w/ such short duration of time workouts in this program & w/ no cardio or total resistance workouts in this set, people will likely not be burning many calories to reduce their overall body fat percentage).

