BBX Hardcore 90-Day Program

Dede Barbanti
Year Released: 2011

Categories: Abs/Core , Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Lower Body Strength , Sports Specific Training , Total Body Workouts, Upper Body Strength

I come from an athletic background and have always worked out! Over the course of my life, I have spent more time in the gym than I would like to admit! I've spent countless hours in the gym and never achieved the results I wanted! I struggled with my weight and constantly felt like I was a yo-yo! Basically, I got sick of it and was on the search for something new! I found BBX Hardcore and I have been doing this program for 6 weeks now. I have seen amazing results!!! My body has become very lean! I have more definition in both my small and large muscle groups, than I ever have had in the past! Not only is my core extremly strong, but I can see definition lines! The best part of all, is that I'm only working out 1 hour a day!!! The days of spending hours each day in the gym are over!!! It is truely amazing! My outlook in regards to working out and what I'm eating has changed and will be forever!
This DVD has real people, who have busy lives, but have worked extremely hard to achieve amazing results! If you are ready to be motivate to work hard, not give up, workout for 1 hour a day, and see results! Then this is for you!
Oh, and did I mention, you don't need any equipment!!!

Thank you Dede for creating BBX Hardcore! It will always be part of my life! I have been changed forever! xoxo

Instructor Comments:
Dede is amazing! During the DVD, it feels like she is right in your living room with you! Pushing you to work as hard as you possibly can and not letting you give up! She makes it known, that if work your hardest during the hour, that your guarnteed to see results!!

