BBX Hardcore 90-Day Program

Dede Barbanti
Year Released: 2011

Categories: Abs/Core , Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Lower Body Strength , Sports Specific Training , Total Body Workouts, Upper Body Strength

The results I have achieved from BBX Hardcore match no other workout I've ever done. I still have a few weeks to go, but I have seen definition and strength in every large and small muscle group in my body -- head to toe! My core has never been stronger! I'm truly in the best shape of my life. I'm also proof that it's never too late to get into that shape, being 57 years young. Dede is a great motivator and coach, and truly cares that you're getting the most from your workout. Dede makes you feel a part of the group in the DVD, and that she is specifically speaking to you. BBX Harcore will always be a part of my life. Thanks, Dede!

Pat M.
