Warrior Workout-Kundalini Yoga

Ana Brett, Ravi Singh
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Yoga

0:0:36 Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo and Meditation

0:3:26 Stomach Grind
0:5:16 Spine Flex while sitting on knees
0:7:23 Forearm Plank Pose
0:9:00 Spine Flex while sitting on knees (second time)
0:12:32 Flex back and forward with legs straight out in front
0:14:34 Hold one straight leg out and up with hand while doing breath of fire (one side at a time)
0: 18:56 Frog Pose
0:20:12 Crow Pose with breath of fire
0:21:26 Butterfly Pose
0:23:18 Meditate with legs straight out in front, arms supporting in back
0:23:50 Bridge Pose Up & Down slowly with the breath
0:26:46 Relaxation
0:27:30 Rolling with bent knees

Warrior Workout #1:
0:27:37 Walking in place with knees and arms raised
0:29:25 Down dog, heels up, plank, up dog series
0:32:12 Seated with one hand on knee, opposite arm out to the side (one side at time)
0:35:12 Seated with legs open, spine forward and back
0:36.21 Seated with legs open, press hands down into floor
0:37:12 Frog Pose
0:38:24 Kneeling on heels to kneeling upright, up and down
0:39:30 Down dog on fingers and toes with breath of fire
0: 40:46 Rest on stomach, chin on hands
0: 41: 16 Lie on stomach, arms stretched back on floor, move pelvis up and down
0:42: 31 Rest on stomach, chin on hands
0:42: 57 One-legged bow pose while rocking on stomach (one leg at a time)
0:44: 32 Double-legged bow pose while rocking on stomach
0:45:23 Relax on stomach moving hips back and forth followed by child’s pose
0: 45:53 On back, legs and head up 6 inches, staring at toes, with breath of fire
0: 47: 30 On back, lift arms then legs, put down legs then arms with in-and-out breath (double legs at first, then single legs, one side at a time)
0: 50 :25 Rolling with knees bent

Warrior Workout #2:
0:50:46 Stand up and sit down without arms
0: 52:00 Stand, lift knees up with hand laced behind the back
0: 53:22 Stand on toes and lift arms overhead, hands spread with breath of fire
0: 54: 19 Stand, lift knees up with hands on shoulders, and lifting elbows
0: 55:45 Stand on toes and lift arms overhead, hands spread with breath of fire
0: 56:49 Seated, legs crossed, elbow back in fists, and punch one arm out at time with breath of fire
0: 58: 58 Seated, legs crossed, lace hands in front, and twist side to side with breath of fire
1: 01: 13 Seated on heals, lions breath, breath of fire (tongue out)

Deep Relaxation:
1: 04: 20 On back, arms and feet out to the side

Chant Meditation:
1: 07: 18 Har-Har-Har-Har

Closing Prayer:
1: 13: 51 Long Sat, Brief Nam, and dedications
1:14:47 End

Instructor Comments:
The workout is demonstrated by Ana while Ravi narrates in voice over format. This is typical of most RaviAna productions. Those who are RaviAna fans will also appreciate this practice. It is one of their more strenuous productions; however, so I recommend that beginners do this workout in parts and take advantage of recommended modifications. More experienced practitioners of intermediate level or higher will likely be able to complete the entire workout along with Ana. It’s possible that more advanced students will find some beneficial challenge, as well.

The setting is bright and music typical of the era for RaviAna productions. It was an enjoyable workout that can provide benefit for bone density and strength development, especially for the upper body. Practitioners would find value in performing the workout in parts or in its entirety. This practice is a nice addition to a RaviAna collection, offering variety from other their workouts, and building strength using kundalini focus and asanas.

