Supreme 90: Ultimate Ball

Tom Holland
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Abs/Core , Balance/Medicine/Mini/Stability Ball

I am not a fan of most stability ball workouts and I am not a fan of core/abs workouts, however, I really liked this one! I assumed I would trade this, so I tried it as soon as I got the S90 set and was pleasantly surprised.

The time went by quickly and I liked all the exercises except the side crunches (which I never do because they hurt my back). This is a total body arms got worked from holding plank so much, there are one-legged squats (and I did other hamstring work during the side planks) & other lower body work, and abs and back get a lot of strengthening work. The music alternates between some "rock" music (which is obnoxious and very repetitious) and softer music which was very nice). I love the 30-second rests in between exercises.

You are on your wrists a lot (lots of plank position work). This didn't bother me but I think it would not be good for someone with wrist issues.

Quite a good stretch at the end, too.

