Men's Health Circuit Workout

David Jack, Jenn Widerstrom
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Circuit Training (cardio and weights) , Total Body Workouts

Juliepie has done a great job of breaking this workout down. I did it for the first time Monday and really enjoyed it. I like the fact that it does NOT require a lot of equipment or a lot of room. Its an intense, no nonsense workout. When I noticed the warmup was 14 mn, I thought "crap" (I typically don't like long warmups) but I did the w/u anyway and I"m so glad I did. It's not the typical boring warm up so many workouts have. The warmup actually made sense to me, I didn't feel like I was doing a bunch of silly, unnessesary moves.

The music...I didn't really notice, it was more "background" noise which is fine IMO for this type of workout. I can seem me using this workout quite bit. I really like that each circuit is 10 mn sections, I see different ways to use this DVD, 10 mn circuit could be used as an add on or a finisher other workouts.

Instructor Comments:
Both instructors have calm, clear voices, they gave clear instructions before each circuit. No whooping, no silly comments. What few times I looked at the TV, both had very good form. I would certainly buy another workout by them

Connie B
