Physique 57: Thigh and Seat Booster

Shelly Knight
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Balance/Medicine/Mini/Stability Ball, Ballet/Barre

General Description: This is short but intense barre workout that mainly focuses on the lower body. After a brief warm-up, there's some balance work done on each leg with the non-standing leg either extended backward or forward. It also includes a few push-ups and plank variations where you move one leg. Thigh work included knee dancing and some standing work that included a plie variation that wasn't in the other P57 workouts. Seat work included some work with ball held by one leg (similar to a move in P57: Advanced Express) and some other moves that didn't use the ball.

Overall Impressions: I enjoyed this one and thought it was a nice blend of traditional and non-traditional moves for a barre workout. However, I felt that it worked the glutes a bit more than the thighs.

Instructor Comments:
I thought Shelly did a good job on this one and seemed more at ease overall than in P57: Arms and Abs Booster.

