Half and Half

Karen Voight
Year Released: 2004

Categories: Floor Aerobics/Hi-Lo/Dance , Total Body Workouts

NAME Karen Voight
DURATION 67 minutes
EQUIPMENT Handweights and a sturdy chair
TYPE Weights and Cardio
IMPACT Mixed but easily modifiable
INTENSITY Moderate but easily modifiable
LEVEL Beginner to low intermediate

This is a good workout led by fitness expert Karen Voight. The DVD is actually a compilation of two DVDs: Calorie Burn (cardio segment) and Get Firm Fast (strength segment). Hence the name Half and Half. This workout consists of four main sections: cardio (27 mins), weights (23 mins), and floorwork (17 mins).

I'll review the cardio portion first: Cardio is mixed impact, but the moves are easily modified. The choreography is very simple, mostly step touches, knee ups, hamstring curls, toe taps, with various arm movements. You can keep the heart rate up by really intensifying the moves (taking larger steps, exaggerating arm movements, jumping a little). She doesn't really take the time to stretch before the workout however. Karen cues very well. The music is enjoyable.

Now, on the strength: the toning section has both seated and standing exercises. You start off working the lower body by doing leg raises to the side and thigh raises with a dumbbell resting against the leg. You also do several sets squats, one legged dead lifts, and lunges holding onto a chair for support. There aren't too many reps of each exercise, maybe 12. Then you have seated exercises. There are bicep curls, some exercises for the chest, tricep extensions, tricep kickbacks, bent over rows, front raises, side raises, and overhead raises.

Floorwork: consisted mainly of yoga inspired moves for the lower back and ab work. Stretching session at the end.

All in all I thoroughly enjoyed the workout. This is great for beginners, as Karen gives many form pointers. I also think that if you are short on time (as I have been lately) or just feel that you don't feel like working out that Karen's Half and Half will get you on your way.

PROS: Music was enjoyable. Great form pointers. Got a lot done in a short time. I felt I got a good workout without having to go all out. I would not rely on this workout for strength or endurance gains, however. This workout is strictly for maintenance.

CONS: The cardio section was way short. I would have liked for it to have been at least 10 minutes longer. Plus, the stretching section was lacking on the cardio portion of the workout. If you go straight to weights, there is no warm up, so I guess this workout assumes you would be doing both workouts back to back. This isn't really a con, though, because you can add your own warm up.


Instructor Comments:
Karen is her usual understated, encouraging self.

