Lose The Belly Flab

Tracey Mallett
Year Released: 2009

Categories: Abs/Core , Balance/Medicine/Mini/Stability Ball, Pregnancy/Postpartum

This is the second DVD of the Superfit Mama series and complements the Get Your Body Back DVD. I am reviewing the download version of this workout.

Lose The belly Flab has five 10 minute workouts, three that target the abs, two that target the glutes. There are two phases, 1 being slightly easier, 2 being more challenging, and a final advanced ab workout. Tracey works out with a Pilates teacher who provides modifications for all the exercises.

The DVD also includes an introduction to abdominal exercises for women who have just had a baby. If you have just had a baby, don’t skip this introduction! Tracey offers valuable advice that could help you prevent injury and provides gentle and effective exercises for building core strength.

Phase one: You will need a mat, a small squishy ball and a resistance band. All exercises in these two segments are performed on the floor, either on your back, your knees or your side. My yoga mat is not thick enough to protect my sensitive knees, so I recommend that you use a thicker mat to protect your knees if they are sensitive, or putting a cushion or towel under the supporting knee. My sensitive knee was twinging rather painfully the first time I tried the workout.
You will do pelvic tilts, oblique twists, single leg stretches, toe taps, front and side planks, plank to pike on your elbows and more.
Glute exercises are done with an optional resistance band and include donkey kicks, leg pulls and pulses in a tabletop position, leg exercises lying on your side, straight and diagonal leg raises from dolphin position, Pilates swimming and flutter kicks.

Phase two: besides the mat, the ball and the band, you will need a chair or a piece of furniture that is about hip high for support. The abdominal exercises in this phase add a twist or some more intensity. This phase is really not for people with weak abdominal muscles because some moves require a lot of control to avoid injury. The use of the ball and the band is optional.
The butt work becomes tougher here. You will do traveling squats with a band tied around your calves, some barre exercises supporting yourself on a barre, chair or piece of furniture, some more Pilates exercises lying on your side on the floor with the band around your foot for resistance, and some more from tabletop and dolphin position. You will end with flutter kicks, star fish and some little pulses to burn out your muscles good and proper.

I found this phase hard to finish the first time I tried it. It is still a challenge, and my last baby was born three and a half years ago!

Advanced ab workout is definitely more challenging than the previous two workouts.
For this segment you will need your mat and a dumbell (optional), for a tough Pilates-inspired mat workout. Lifts, modified pikes, full pikes, oblique twists, kayaking, side planks with thread the needle and with arm raises, and teasers.

The targeted audience for this DVD is new mothers, but it provides very good and challenging exercises for the more experienced too.

Instructor Comments:
Tracey cues very well and moves swiftly from exercise to exercise without wasting any time. She is friendly throughout and encouraging.

