Booty Barre

Tracey Mallett
Year Released: 2010

Categories: Ballet/Barre

The DVD has four sections:

Warmup (8:48):
Lots of second position plie variations, including some fast-paced side to side moves. There is a person doing modifications in the back that does not go down very low in the plies. That modification may help some with tricky knees. After the plies, she moves into crescent pose variations and then planks pulling back into downward dog. Then something similar to a pulsing warrior 2, before repeating crescent pose, planks, and downward dog on the other side. The warm up is fast paced, but I found it very doable.

Sculpted Arms (9:57):
All done standing with dumbbells. She recommends 3 lb weights working up to 5 lbs. I used 5 lbs. I find some upper body barre routines using weights are a bit light but really liked this one. While not as intense as Squeeze Stronger, I felt like I got a nice upper body workout. She does traditional exercises, but adds her own twist to make them interesting.

Booty Barre Workout (32:41): Includes:
o calf raises
o diamond plie variations, including side to side hip movements
o second position plie variations
o lunge, and then moving the back leg forward to kick up into the air (similar to grand battement)
o curtsy squats with kicks
o pulsing arabesque/attitude combo for the glutes
o figure-4 standing stretch
o repeat lunge, curtsy squat, and arabesque/attitude variations, and figure-4 stretch on other side
o second position plie, lifting outside leg up and elbow down to work the obliques
o wide squat pulses kicking leg out to the side
o more standing glute work (just over 2 minutes)
o Repeat second position plie/squat/glute work on other side
o The above takes almost 20 minutes and then she moves into cardio. For cardio, she goes into a reverse lunge and then brings the back leg forward. She also includes mountain climbers and a plank variation jumping the legs in and out.
o She then moves into the "final segment" with parallel thigh plie work and more diamond plies
o She closes with some standing stretches, and then more glute work!

Abs & Flexibility (12:43)
o Knee dancing (this is up and down movement and pulsing, as opposed to leaning back that is done in some barre workouts)
o (22) pushups, some slow and some fast (she does these bent knee, I modified to toe pushups)
o Ab work (approx. 4 minutes)
o Side plank balances (T-stand)
o Locust pose
o Flexibility starts at about 8:43

COMMENTS: I really had a lot of fun doing this workout. There is a lot of glute work!! I didn’t feel the intense burn in the thighs I can get from slower paced, small movement, Lotte Berk inspired workouts, but I also think that as I learned this DVD better that might come more with time. Even without the burn, though, I felt I got a good leg workout.

I really like Tracey and think she is a great instructor. She is energetic and peppy, but not over the top. She seems like she is having fun, and I did too!

It is fast paced but not too much so. I was able to keep up through the entire workout and didn’t have any safety concerns that I might injure myself. Tracey gives a lot of pointers on form, too, which is nice. I have a sensitive knee, but was able to do the entire workout. Some with sensitive knees might find parts of the DVD difficult. Always good to know your limitations, and make adjustments if needed. I have hip dysplasia and am fairly tight in the hips too, but only had a minor problem with a short segment of the main workout (had to keep my leg lower than hers). There was a nice cardio pace to most of the workout.

My only complaints were that ab work and flexibility section are pretty short. I did my own stretches after. But overall, I enjoyed the workout so much that those seem like minor points! This is a keeper for me!

