Video Fitness

Debra Waterhouse
Outsmarting the Female Fat Cell

I have had this book for years, and my copy is full of underlining. I think it is a terrific book for inspiring one to exercise and for improving one's eating habits, and I pull it out everytime I feel my eating is getting out of control. First, I respect that Debra Waterhouse insists that the first and necessary step to losing fat is exercise. I do think that a person should do more exercise than Waterhouse recommends - I am more in line with Oprah and Bob Greene's recommendations on this score - but the fact that she emphasizes exercise over diet is terrific. I take her recommendations as the minimum levels necessary for fat loss. Second, I like the fact that she focuses on eating habits, rather than what you eat. In other words, instead of saying "eat x% protein, x% fat, x% carb", she says things like "quit eating when you are already full" and "avoid eating too much at night." Sounds like basic stuff, but it is on these points that I tend to trip up. Waterhouse explains why these behaviors can ruin efforts to lose fat. Finally, I think she presents very realistic goals. She states at the start that permanent fat loss take months, not weeks, and that our body goals have to take into account things such as contraceptives, menopause, etc. She has one line that I particularly like, it is something like "It will not take a lifetime to reach your goals, unless they are unrealistic, in which case it will take you three lifetimes." (She probably has it worded better that that.)

Of all the fitness/ fat loss/ weight loss books out there, I recommend this one the most. In my opinion, it is a "must have" book.

04 jan 98

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